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Another anniversary – already?

February 2011 marks McNeely Technology Solutions’ sixth anniversary.  Time has flown – it seems like last week that we were excited about our fifth year anniversary.

As the years continue to click by, we are reminded again how grateful we are to our clients who make this all possible.  We are indeed fortunate to have a roster of clients who are kind, intellectually curious, and committed to a quality work product.  We look forward to many more good years together.  Thank you, thank you.

A word from Mary Elizabeth McNeely:

This anniversary for some reason is causing me to reflect more than the others have.  Perhaps it’s because we’ve gotten past the “magic” five-year mark.  Perhaps because the economy has been so tough for the last few years.  I don’t know all the reasons.

But – if you’ll indulge me, I’ll reflect a little here, too.  Being a business owner has allowed me freedom like I’ve never had before: Freedom to build McNeely from scratch, breathing life into it and forming its personality and unique brand as I see fit.  Freedom to choose my actions and be responsible for their outcomes, for better or for worse.  Freedom to be frank with my clients about what is best for them, even if the “best” choice brings less revenue to McNeely.

Being a business owner has also caused a genre of stress that I’d never known before: The continuous grind of having to make payroll.  Being responsible to those who represent McNeely and having to trust that I’ve chosen the right people to be responsible to me and to McNeely’s clients.  Being so busy that I must say “no” to some requests, even if I find them reasonable.  Finding a group of trusted advisors whose advice will not run my business into the weeds.  Sitting in the chair where “the buck stops.”

So, would I do it all again, realizing how much work it would be?  Absolutely … yes.

I look forward to checking in with you again after our seventh anniversary.  I hope between now and then, you’ll follow a dream of yours, be it big or small.

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