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Oracle for the Greater Good

I’d like to share an interesting story about how Oracle database technology is helping those in need, one transaction at a time.

The Aidmatrix Foundation is a non-profit whose mission is to provide technology that matches organizations serving those in need with the supplies, services, volunteers, and cash contributions they need.  Those who represent the needy, for example, food banks and disaster relief organizations, record their specific needs – perhaps, 10,000 gallons of bleach, 250 mops, and 250 pairs of rubber gloves (sounds like someone is trying to help out a population with flooded homes).  Potential donors record what they have available – perhaps 1000 pounds of chicken, packaged in 5 pound increments (sounds like the chicken plant is feeling generous today) or a high-end used copier (perhaps the manufacturer has collected equipment after a lease period expired and is interested in saving on disposal costs and getting a tax break).

Air carriers and freight companies can donate or heavily discount transportation services, lessening the cost of obtaining the donated goods.  Non-profits can ask for computers, printers, copiers, office supplies, whatever they need to keep their operations running smoothly.  Donations of cash can be made during a disaster to benefit local non-profits helping with the disaster.  Volunteers can enter their skills, location, and availability during a disaster.

No delivery of supplies or services will be brokered unless an interested non-profit indicates it is needed.  The non-profits pay a nominal fee to Aidmatrix to help defray the cost of producing and providing the technology.

Under the covers, there are several systems making all this happen, but one of them is an Oracle-database based supply chain software package.  Stepping aside from the emotional aspects of helping those in need, one can see that it really is a supply chain proposition.  Why not use supply chain software to make it work better?

This is no two-bit garage operation, either: Aidmatrix processed $1.5 billion in aid last year.

I’m proud to hear what Oracle technology is doing at Aidmatrix.

If you’re interested in learning more about Aidmatrix, visit their website at

Mary Elizabeth McNeely

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